经北京市教委批准同意北京电影学院与中国(教育部)留学服务中心建立战略合作伙伴关系,在此前提下,北京电影学院依托自身的教育资源,引进和借鉴英美大学优质的教育资源和教学模式,与国外多所大学签 署合作协议,开创国内首个电影艺术专业国际留学预备课程项目,为该项目学生顺利出国留学提供全方位的教学和服务。
With the approval of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, Beijing Film Academy (BFA) established a strategic partnership with Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE). On this premise, BFA, by virtue of its own resources and through introducing and learning from the quality educational resources and teaching models of British and American universities, signed a cooperation agreement with several foreign universities to launch the first overseas study preparation program of film art in China. It is designed to provide a comprehensive set of educational and other related services for preparing students to study abroad.
为了满足更多学生出国留学的求学需求,北京电 影学院在中国(教育部)留学服务中心的支持与指导下,与国外多所大学签署合作协议,设立出国留学预备课程项目。面向包括应、往届高中毕业生,或同等学历的 中专、职高毕业生,及大专生、大学新生等各层次的中国学生,为其提供语言培训、留学预备课程培训、出国学习规划、国外大学申请及出国签证指导等一系列全方 位的留学课程与服务,使学生以更安全、更便捷、更实用的方式顺利完成从北京电影学院到国际知名电影学院的无缝对接。
To meet the demand of students who desire to study abroad, BFA, with the support and guidance of CSCSE, signed agreements with several foreign universities to set up an overseas study preparation program. The program is available to fresh high school graduates, or those graduated from a polytechnic school or vocational high school with the equivalent qualification, and junior college students and college freshmen. It aims to provide a comprehensive set of courses and services including language training, preparation courses, overseas study plan, suggestions on how to apply to a foreign university and apply for student visa, helping them adjust to the study and life of a world-renowned film academy more smoothly when they leave BFA.